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Timmy's Touch of Comfort Box

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Timmy’s story is all about love. We would like to share it with you. Timmy had a traumatic birth and was pronounced dead. He was eventually resuscitated, and sadly his birth family were so shaken by what had happened that they did not feel able to bring him home. Timmy had suffered brain damage, but no one told him that!!! When he was two and half he found his forever family and was adopted. Over time he became not only a beloved son to Alison and Barbara, but a big brother, acousin, a grandson and a  

friend to very many. Despite severe learning disabilities which 

meant he couldn’t speak, he could communicate through a small range of pictures / symbols, and would use his face and hands to let 

everyone know what he wanted – usually a story to be read, a walk in his wheelchair, or time to bounce around on the floor! His physical difficulties did not prevent him from learning to crawl, and with help,  he could take a few joyous steps. Timmy loved being free and independent.

His room became like a soft play to keep him safe, and over the years filled with many toys and books. 

Timmy was a simple soul, loving always, loyal, and consistently enthusiastic about life.


When he approached the age of 16 he showed radical changes in his well-being. He began to scream daily and his epilepsy became uncontrolled. Over time he stopped eating, lost weight despite tube feeding, and became constantly agitated. This part of his story will be familiar to you all. He was in pain but was unable to tell us. We struggled to get medics to investigate properly and get his anguish heard. Two and a half years later Timmy was diagnosed with SMAS. We had never heard of it before. We were, and always, so grateful to find out what was wrong with our beloved son. That same week he was given the DJ, and his screaming and agitation stopped. Even in his weakened state, it was obvious that he was no longer in pain. He slowly recuperated. His smile was back as our hearts overflowed with joy. We will never know if it was because he had gone undiagnosed for so long, or if it was down to his pre-existing disabilities, but his symptoms sadly returned within a few months later. Further attempts to regain his quality of life failed, and it became the time when love and cuddles were needed most. We knew Timmy could not recover this time, so we did what we could to keep him comfortable. When he had a good day he would take a short walk in his wheelchair or watch a video with his sister. On July 10th, 2017 Timmy’s battle with SMAS came to an end.


He gracefully slipped away with all his favourite people around him, and (some) of his many beloved teddies in attendance. All of Timmy’s life was an unexpected gift. The boy pronounced dead at birth lived for twenty years, touching the lives of all who met him with his gentle smile, his love for being read to, and his passion for life, regardless of the barriers he faced. We absolutely know that Timmy would not want sadness, for he was never sad, but his message would be a positive one. And as we miss him every day, we try to do as he did, make the most of what we have, and live with joy in our hearts. We hope that Timmy’s comfort boxes will shine a little light for you in a dark place and that his smile may warm your heart. We would love him to be remembered and to bring warmth, not sadness, wherever these boxes go. To purchase items and help fill our boxes: Amazon Wishlist

Request a Timmy's Touch
of Comfort Box

Box Includes:

  • Blanket (kitty not included)

  • Stuffed Animal

  • Non-Slip Fuzzy Socks

  • Calming Drops

  • Coloring Book

  • Pencils

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Our Address:

P.O. Box 555 

Bonham, TX 75418

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